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Drug Use History

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Education and Experience

Legal Issues

Criminal Record



Program Rules Agreement

The following are some of the basic rules of Glory 2 Glory Canada Total Freedom Manitoba Program. You will be provided with a complete list of rules upon admittance.

Christian Growth Center:
1. I understand that Total Freedom Program is a Christian Growth Program and I agree to be subject to Biblical teaching and Christian forms of behaviour.
2. I agree to always assume personal responsibility for my own attitude and behaviour. I understand that what program authority calls incorrect behaviour, and a bad attitude will be confronted and may be disciplined if necessary. I will agree to do the disciplinary action or project with an improved attitude.
3. I understand that my main purpose for being in the program is to learn how to live a new way of life.


1. I will do whatever it takes to get set free and stay set free.
2. I will not possess or use drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products at any time while in the program.
3. I will not curse or use off-color expressions or bodily gestures.
4. I will not talk about street life or reminisce about past wrong doings.
5. I will not horseplay or engage in any other inappropriate body contact.
6. I will not become part of a clique.
7. I will not call other people names.
8. I will not go off campus without staff permission.
9. I will not bring any electronic devices, secular books/magazines, knives, lighters, etc.
10. I will not sing, whistle, or hum secular songs while in the Program.
11. I will follow all guidelines posted in the house and given by staff.
12. I will not borrow from others without permission from office.
13. I will not read or look at sexual material or pornography or participate in sexual
activities while in the program.
14. I will give my all completely and with 100% honesty.


1. I will agree to the staff screening and perhaps reading my mail.
2. I agree to write only members of my immediate family - no letter writing to girl/boyfriends.
3. I agree to make (or receive) only two phone calls per week, after a 14-day waiting period.
4. I agree not to have any visits from my immediate family until after 14 days.

5. I agree not to pursue relationships with the opposite sex while in the Program and that same sex relationships are not allowed.


1. I agree to participate in all scheduled activities including class, chapel, church, work, and recreation. I will do what I'm required to do in each of these activities on time.
2. I agree to conduct myself in a Christ-like manner and will not do anything in public that will call attention to myself or reflect badly upon the whole group.
3. I agree to submit to all authority and respect one another in all things.
4. I understand the length of the program is 9 months. I agree to commit to complete the entire program.


1. I understand that I'm expected to be prepared, in place, and on time for all my scheduled activities 24 hours a day. I also understand that any tardiness, unpreparedness, and other forms of carelessness will result in disciplinary action.
2. I understand that the house and my room must be always kept in a neat and orderly manner. I agree to work together with my housemates to keep it clean and in shape for inspection.
3. I understand there will be a dress code: no logos with alcohol, drugs, or demonic pictures, lettering or slogans.
4. I understand there will be a grooming code: neat and clean appearance at all times, i.e., hair combed throughout the day, and shower once a day, etc.
5. I understand that disciplinary action may include: extra duty, loss of privileges,
suspension, or dismissal.
6. I waive all rights to pursue any legal action against Glory 2 Glory Canada or Total Freedom Manitoba Program or any personnel or volunteer. We are not responsible for any accident or injury you may sustain while enrolled in the program. Failure to comply with this contract may result in disciplinary action as stated above.

I have read these rules and my signature indicates that I have a good understanding of them and that I'm willing to commit myself to these agreements for the duration of the program.

Apply For

Total Freedom

Total Freedom -Manitoba is a residential, faith-based alternative to addiction treatment. It was established in 2021 under the ministerial umbrella of Glory 2 Glory Ministries Canada, Inc.; with the intention of helping men heal and reclaim their lives from destructive lifestyles. Our focus is on promoting balance of spirit, mind, and body through lifestyle transformation.  Working through each of the various phases people will transition into a more stable and productive life.


Total Freedom is a nine-month residential commitment followed by 12 months of proven accountability off campus.  We also have customized programs available for those whose circumstances will not allow for a nine-month stay. This compact process though is designed to allow participants the same opportunity to get set free of destructive lifestyles that may have kept them bound, and then show how to live in freedom going forward. The first four to six months (of the nine-month process) is spent in classroom and in volunteer work.  Upon completion of the initial nine months, you can choose to remain on campus and stay accountable to this ministry or you can move on and remain accountable to another ministry.


We are a Spirit-filled ministry.  We believe in the baptism of the Spirit, laying hands on people while praying, praying in tongues, casting out demons, teaching the truths in the Word of God, and actively praising and worshipping the Lord and you will be trained to do the same.  For the first few months you will go through a ministry school of the Spirit with daily quizzes and a final exam.  You will also go through a healing process which deals with issues from your past, and a deliverance session.  We gather every night for groups, bible study or worship; you are expected to be there. You must be able to read and write English well and be willing to teach what you learn.  You will also be expected to be productive in the program in one or more of the following areas:  housekeeping, farm & garden, yard, building & repair, kitchen, and various projects throughout the community designed to support the ministry.


The cost of the program is $200 per week, as well as a $500 Entrance Deposit. The entrance deposit is due prior to joining the program and will be refunded upon completion of the program length agreed to at acceptance into Total Freedom Addictions Recovery Centre. Upon successful completion of the agreed program length, your entrance deposit will be refunded, if not, it will be forfeited to Total Freedom Addictions Recovery Centre. We appreciate financial assistance from family and loved ones; however, we do not allow lack of funds to determine eligibility.  If necessary, we will assist you in applying for Employment and Income Assistance (EIA). No personal money is allowed in your possession while in the first phase of the program.


Admission to the program is based on your willingness to make a 100% commitment of your life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Without that total commitment, there can be no lasting or genuine change in your life, and it provides the foundation for all training and instruction received in this program. Applications will be carefully screened to determine eligibility. The interviews will then be arranged by appointment and held at the facility in Sidney, MB.

Please fill out and sign the attached application completely.  Do not leave blank spaces. 

For further information please contact us at the address or phone number below.

68158 Road 62 North, Sidney, MB R0H1L0 ● 204-466-2500

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